quinta-feira, setembro 25, 2008

Evento da Alice em Londres

Nao é o máximo isso que vai rolar em Londres?

Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole

Wonderland is having a revival. This year has seen the soaring popularity of dolls, tea parties and cupcakes, and there was even a musical set in the Land of Oz. This weekend, the cheerfully named events company Let’s Paint the Town Red will attempt to create a magical, twisted world based on Alice’s Wonderland, all in the distinctly commuter-ridden environs of the South Bank. As with the phenomenal Punchdrunk productions of recent years, Down the Rabbit Hole will be a multi-dimensional event, involving theatre, music, and art, and they’re even putting on live bands. Each performance lasts two hours and is sure to transport one to one’s very own unbirthday party. How civilised. To book your all-important ticket to escapism click here.

Source: Le Cool.

3 comentários:

alice disse...

eu também querooooooooooooo!

Unknown disse...


carol de marchi disse...

é, alice está na moda!


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