quarta-feira, fevereiro 25, 2009

Tea with me

So one night I was dreaming about you, Alice, and there were these tiny little tea cups and... oh no, except that was Alessi's Ark tea party.
There was an animated horse made of sugar grains aaaaand a bear made of cookies. Actually, I don't know if it was a bear or an owl.
And also a... ahnmm... a kitty cat. And she was wearing a beautiful dress. I want the dress. I want the pink sandwiches too. I know! There is jelly in them. Probably made of a very pink fruit like... like... cherry. Yes. Or strawberry. And can I have the cinnamon bunny as well? Please, please, please!

4 comentários:

glittah disse...

que coincidencia, eu tava lendo sobre ela no onibus hoje. Não ouvi nada ainda, parece ser oootemo. xx

Donnassolo Beschi disse...

esse post me lembrou aquele episódio em que o ross, constrangido, lembra que se vestia de mulher quando menino e cantava algo do tipo "drink with me, drink tea with bea...

alice disse...

yes, i want some of that bed crowling and playing around as well...
please! please!

carilevi disse...

eu nunca fiz essa coisinha de colocar a colher no nariz, tu ja? eu nao sei se eu sei..

queria ter uma xicrinha do tamanhinho da dela, imagina a colher.. :)


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